Friday, October 21, 2005

Auburn Dam on the Table

It is heartening to see that all options concerning water supply in the American River are beginning to be discussed.

The Parkway, the American River and the salmon running in it, are dependent on optimal water conditions, and the public decision-making process to provide those conditions is vitally important.

Having all options on the table is an obvious first-step.

Auburn dam talk revived in Katrina's wake
Congress would pay for a feasibility study, lawmaker tells panel hearing.
By David Whitney -- Bee Washington Bureau Published 2:15 am PDT Friday, October 21,

2005WASHINGTON - A new dam at Auburn was suggested Thursday as something that should be among the options to reduce flood-control risks for Sacramento in the wake of Hurricane Katrina levee failures in New Orleans.

Rep. George Radanovich, R-Mariposa, who headed the House Resources Committee hearing on water supply vulnerabilities, said the flood protection Sacramento will get from improvements to Folsom Dam that have been authorized by Congress is insufficient.

He said he thinks Congress will fund a new feasibility study for an Auburn dam, which could double the city's protection.

"I'd like to see it," Radanovich said. "There's an interest in doing it. If it's not done this year, it would be next year."

For the rest of the story: