Friday, April 07, 2006

Auburn Dam on the Table, Part Three

In this article from yesterday’s Bee (wire story) we see Auburn Dam support apparently growing.

Here is an excerpt.

Congressional supporters of Auburn Dam getting louder
By ERICA WERNER, Associated Press Writer Published 4:45 pm PDT Thursday, April 6, 2006

WASHINGTON (AP) - Key Republican lawmakers said Thursday that building a dam on the American River at Auburn is the only way to protect Sacramento against catastrophic flooding that might occur once every 500 years.

But the head of the California Department of Water Resources cautioned against losing focus on flood-control projects now underway that are meant to give 200-year protection to the region.
Sacramento is now protected only at the 100-year level - the lowest of any large urban area in the nation.

"Our focus right now in the state is that we need to be sure we get these improvements and not get distracted by the next debate over Auburn Dam," Department of Water Resources Director Lester Snow testified at a hearing of the House Resources Committee's subcommittee on energy and water.

"The debate in the past has actually delayed investment in flood improvements in the region," Snow said.

Before Snow spoke, committee chairman Rep. Richard Pombo, R-Tracy, and subcommittee chairman Rep. George Radanovich, R-Mariposa, both spoke in favor of an Auburn Dam, underscoring growing congressional interest in reviving the controversial project years after it seemed to be abandoned for good.

"I don't think anybody can come to an answer that gives us 500-year flood protection for the city of Sacramento without the Auburn Dam," Pombo said. "That's just the cold hard reality that's in front of us right now."