Friday, March 12, 2010

California’s Strength

In the midst of the often horrible news emanating from public leadership—or the lack of it—about the future prospects for our state, there is one constant, our capacity for innovation, which this post from Fox and Hounds Daily notes.

An excerpt.

“Amid the wreckage of California’s economy and our diminishing competitiveness, one California character trait abides: innovation and the prospect of cashing in on it.

“According to a survey by the research firm VentureSource, fully 33 of the top 50 venture capital-backed firms (two-thirds), and 15 of the top 20, are located in California, a striking reminder that intellectual capital and innovation start right here. And since many of these firms are spinning off from research undertaken at our great universities, this drives home the importance of investing in a strong public university system for the future health of our economy.”