Friday, May 01, 2009

ARPPS Letter Published in the Bee Today

Look to the rivers

Re "Right mix elusive for K Street" (Our Region, April 26): In the endless discussions of what to do about K Street, it is often remarked that part of the importance of fixing it up is that it is the center of Sacramento.

I would propose that the real center of Sacramento are the two rivers that frame the city. As those rivers are continually embraced by the city, it will ultimately create more momentum to solve the great K Street conundrum than any specific plans directed toward K Street itself.

Beautifying and developing the riverfronts of the Sacramento and the American will create an adjacent recreational destination for downtown visitors that currently does not exist, primarily due to public safety issues. Examining other river cities reveals the tremendous magnet developed riverfronts create for a city's downtown.

– David H. Lukenbill, Sacramento
American River Parkway Preservation Society