Friday, August 28, 2009

Parks Again On Chopping Block

As this story from the Sacramento Bee notes, County Parks is again facing cuts, and one is rather dramatic—the proposed closure of Gibson Ranch Regional Park.

As local governments discuss forming a JPA for the Parkway, as we noted in our press release, it is crucial to also discuss the following step of creating a nonprofit organization for fund raising and management to address the serious funding gap that has been plaguing the Parkway for several years and will apparently become even more onerous.

An excerpt.

“County Executive Terry Schutten's office has been working with department heads to come up with enough trims to eliminate the growing deficit. The Board of Supervisors will begin discussing the staff proposals Sept. 8.

“Among the cuts proposed:

“• Closing the South City Health Center two days a week. The clinic is one of two county clinics operating fulltime.

“• Eliminating 50 of the 100 beds at the Mental Health Treatment Center and shutting its crisis unit. The treatment center is the main county-run psychiatric hospital.

“• Closing Gibson Ranch Regional Park to the public.”