Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Sacramento Transportation Planning

A new plan released by the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) continues the unbalanced approach to governmental transportation funding; allocating over 40% percent (compared to 20% by the Federal government) of funds to the tiny minority of people (about 1-3%) who use mass transit, bikes or walk, and only a little over 50% for the huge majority (97-99%) of people who transport themselves by car.

I blogged on an excellent article about transportation spending awhile ago.

An excerpt from the Bee article.

“The MTP2035 invests $41.7 billion in a variety of programs and projects: $14.3 billion for transit; $12.4 billion for road maintenance; $11.3 billion for road capital projects; $2.3 billion for programs, planning and transportation enhancements; and $1.4 billion for bicycle and pedestrian projects.”