Monday, July 26, 2010

Auburn Dam, Still an Option

Fortunately, there is one local congressman, Tom McClintock, who understands the importance of building the Auburn Dam, which will stabilize the water temperature and flow in the Lower American River—good for the salmon—as well as provide Sacramento a 500 year level of flood protection from its current 200 year level, which we posted on previously here and here.

He spoke of the importance of the Auburn Dam in a recent speech.

This editorial from the Sacramento Bee, notes Congressman McClintock’s unwavering commitment to Auburn.

An excerpt.

“Rep. Tom McClintock of Elk Grove is a rock-ribbed Republican who staunchly opposes expanding the federal government, even if a project benefits his district.

“So it gets attention when he teams up with Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer, of all people, to push for a national historic site near Coloma….

“Now that McClintock has crossed that Rubicon, there's another urgent matter in his district that deserves his attention.

“The Auburn State Recreation Area, one of the most popular treasures in the state parks system, draws nearly a million hikers, rafters, mountain bikers, horseback riders and others to its rugged canyons each year. But it is in jeopardy because the federal Bureau of Reclamation plans to cut off funding next year.

“The area needs more facilities and some tender loving care – and the best approach could very well be to get the National Park Service or National Forest Service to partner with the state.

“Granted, it might be a bridge too far for McClintock, who still desperately wants someone – federal taxpayers, perhaps? – to build the colossal Auburn dam. ("The Auburn recreation area is destined to become Lake Auburn," he says.)

“On that, however, he's swimming against a strong current. There's intense, vocal opposition, and no apparent state or federal money to pay for the project. Until the state water board reverses its December 2008 revocation of water rights, the plan is officially dead.”