Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Safety, Access, Water (SAW)

That is the strategic mantra of our organization’s advocacy work once all of it is refined through the policy sieve.

Safety 24/7 enhanced by a much more cultivated and landscaped Parkway to create sight lines helping in the reduction of crime through environmental design by opening up the deep thickets hiding generations of illegal campsites—especially in the Parkway’s Lower Reach, Discovery Park to Cal Expo.

Access to the full Parkway for everyone requires the continuous visible presence of public safety officers and a vastly enhanced trail structure accommodating dedicated trails for pedestrians, bicyclists, and equestrians. And the trail model we use is that developed by Rails to Trails.

Water represents having optimal flows for salmon, rafting and swimming and Parkway erosion control, which can only be assured with the extra water storage above Folsom Dam the Auburn Dam would provide.