Sunday, September 18, 2005

Sacramento Flooding

An article in this morning’s Bee reveals that since the harsh reminder of flood damage caused by inadequate flood protection which Katrina has provided us, the local optimal solution appears brighter, with Representative Doris Matsui and river advocate Ronald Stork agreeing with John Doolittle on the importance of the issue, the folly of making the wrong decisions, and agreeing it is time for moral outrage from Sacramento, lest we wind up twenty feet under water.

What Sacramento must learn from New Orleans
By John T. Doolittle -- Special to The BeePublished 2:15 am PDT Sunday, September 18, 2005

As I have joined with the rest of America in viewing the terrible scenes of devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent flooding, my heart has gone out to our many countrymen who have been displaced from their homes and livelihoods.

I have felt a particularly deep empathy for the people of New Orleans - a city protected by a system of levees that is now submerged in floodwaters mixed with sewage and chemicals of every kind.

Beyond the general lessons about emergency preparedness that we should all learn from this catastrophe, one point is especially important for Sacramento: Preventing a disaster is better than recovering from one. As such, I have a feeling of foreboding knowing that Sacramento, also protected by a system of levees, could face a similar fate if we don't provide it with the highest level of flood protection possible - the Auburn dam.

For the rest of the story: