Saturday, June 02, 2007

Indian Heritage Museum

In what is wonderful news for West Sacramento but terrible news for North Sacramento, the California Indian Heritage Center & Museum has found a site in West Sacramento.

In our letter published in the Bee this March responding to a proposed law suit against siting it in the Parkway, we noted its importance.

This loss is a terrible one as this would have been the most exciting, productive project on the Lower Reach of the Parkway in years, and had the possibility of finally turning around the wide-spread illegal camping and related crime that has driven the adjacent community from safely using the Parkway by attracting the legitimate public use that drives away the illegitimate.

Where to honor Indian heritage

Re "Opportunity in danger," editorial, March 13:

We agree that the planned Indian Heritage Center in the American River Parkway is a very important addition to our region. The center will be of significant statewide and national import, further clarifying the national heritage value of the American River and its first residents.

It is of such importance that we cannot envision it not being approved. The argument that it doesn't fit in the parkway plan is misrepresented as it is in the same general purpose category, though obviously of much larger size, of the already existing and recently expanded Effie Yeaw Nature Center, which the county describes as an "environmental and cultural education center."

For environmentalists to sue a project that would be considered of national environmental importance would be absurd.

The center is to be on the historic site of the most important Indian village (Pujune) in the two rivers area, celebrating the heritage of California's first residents, the original American environmentalists.

David H. Lukenbill, Sacramento
Senior Policy Director,
American River Parkway Preservation Society


California Indian museum finds a site
Published 12:00 am PDT Saturday, June 2, 2007

A planned museum to showcase the heritage of California Indians found a home Friday when the city agreed to donate riverfront property for the cultural center that will include an amphitheater.

The California Indian Heritage Center Task Force had tried to put the museum on the banks of the American River, but was unable to resolve land issues.

The West Sacramento Parks and Community Services Commission will consider a formal proposal on June 8 to donate 43 acres.

The California Indian Heritage Center will have a library, exhibit space and landscaping with indigenous gardens.

-- M.S. Enkoji