Thursday, March 13, 2008

Placer Transit on a Roll

Good for the economy, good for the air, good for congestion, and good for those still driving, a good thing all around.

Editorial: Placer County residents discover the allure of transit
Published 12:00 am PDT Thursday, March 13, 2008

Curious about whether the run-up in fuel prices and the slowing economy are beginning to force people out of their cars? Look no farther than Placer County.

Demand for bus service has grown so fast in recent months that the county's transit system has run out of seats on its popular commuter express run between Colfax, Auburn, Loomis, Rocklin, Lincoln and Sacramento.

Placer County Transit sent out an extraordinary notice to its express bus customers this week warning them that future ticket sales will be limited to existing Placer Commuter Express customers. "If you have purchased a pass or ticket from us for Placer Commuter Express in the past three months you will be able to continue purchasing passes and tickets from us," the notice said. The jaw dropping kicker followed: "We will establish a waiting list for people wishing to be new Placer Commuter Express passengers."

A waiting list for buses in Placer County? Amazing.

Placer has always been car country. Transportation officials never thought they would see the day when demand for buses outstripped supply, but that day is here.

To keep up with rising demand, the transit service put out extra buses for its most popular routes and times the past few weeks, but officials say they haven't the funds to sustain that kind of extra expense.

Placer County transportation revenue has declined 5.2 percent. The jurisdictions that subsidize the commuter buses are having trouble just maintaining existing services. So expansion will be a real challenge.