Though the vote was delayed until today, as reported by this article in the Sacramento Bee, the most important thing to remember about this whole process is that the communities adjacent to Gibson Ranch want their park back and Doug Ose has presented the only plan to accomplish that.
His plan is supported by our organization, American River Parkway Preservation Society, as noted in our January 5, 2011 Press Release on our website’s news page.
The opposition meanwhile, comes from other communities not adjacent to Gibson Ranch, and seems to be based on an organized attempt to raise taxes to pay for regional parks, which will suffer if Gibson Ranch is no longer part of their tax increase scheme.
Support the Ose proposal, and open Gibson Ranch.
An excerpt from the Bee article
“For the second time, Sacramento County supervisors have delayed a vote on a proposal that would give developer and former congressman Doug Ose control of Gibson Ranch.
“On Tuesday, supervisors decided they would vote on the plan today at 2 p.m. They held off because details of the proposed lease weren't made public until late Sunday, Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan said.
“The decision was put off earlier this month because the county and Ose couldn't reach a tentative agreement to bring to supervisors.
“About 25 supporters of Ose's project showed up Tuesday, wearing bright-yellow buttons exhorting supervisors to "Get'r Done." Many of the supporters are horse riders, and they're eager to have the park reopened for riding.
“A budget shortfall led the county to close Gibson Ranch last year, with supervisors voting in December to start negotiations with Ose to reopen the park as a for-profit business.
“County officials said they initially couldn't get Ose to agree that he would need additional approval from two county advisory boards and supervisors should he want to add major projects to the ranch.
“Ose eventually relented, and the two advisory boards, which were previously opposed to his plan, have given it their blessing.”