Saturday, February 17, 2007

Methane from Manure

Hopefully this is what will be happening at all of the dairies and other farms where it is feasible. It is a good use of waste to recycle it for energy, and a good idea for legislation if it already hasn’t been passed.(pun alert)

Cow power means money from manure via electricity
By Edie Lau - Bee Staff Writer
Published 12:00 am PST Saturday, February 17, 2007

The cows on Fred Denier's dairy soon will be producing something more than milk -- they'll be making juice.

That's juice as in electrical power.

Cal-Denier Dairy in Galt has a deal with the Sacramento Municipal Utility District to capture methane gas from cow manure to generate electricity.

The deal is one in a wave of new agreements in California aimed at boosting the state's use of renewable energy by harnessing the power of cow pies.