Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Public Private Partnership I

Here is an example of a local public private partnership that has been doing a pretty good job.

One of our policy suggestions is to have the American River Parkway managed by a nonprofit organization through a contract with a Joint Powers Authority (made up of Parkway adjacent cities) that we hope someday will assume responsibility for the Parkway in a joint agreement with its current governmental authority and daily manager, Sacramento County.

'06 a good year for power grid
System was reliable, cheaper despite July heat wave, ISO says.
By Edie Lau - Bee Staff Writer
Published 12:00 am PST Tuesday, February 27, 2007

California's electrical grid was more reliable and cost less to maintain last year despite the record-breaking July heat wave, the state Independent System Operator reported Monday.

"We have achieved the highest reliability performance ever of the ISO since the beginning," said Yakout Mansour, president and CEO of the corporation, which has managed most of the state's electrical transmission system since 1998.

At the same time, the not-for-profit agency was able to reduce expenses -- related to solving power-grid bottlenecks -- by 29 percent, to $477 million. The ISO spent $669 million in 2005. The cost of maintaining reliability was even higher in 2004, at $1.1 billion.