Monday, March 26, 2007

Front Yard Gardens

While certainly seeing the point of restricting it, how can it be done without impinging on the lowly fruit tree, or the fanciful cherry tomato bush.

Editorial: Needed: A peas treaty
Does council know beans about gardens?
Published 12:00 am PDT Monday, March 26, 2007

Back in November, when a Sacramento City Council committee mulled a proposal to restrict the growing of vegetables in front yards, this page urged the council to give peas a chance.

Since then, numerous local organizations and garden activists have taken up the cause of peas. Dozens are expected to converge on an April 3 meeting, where the full council is expected to take up a revision to the city's front yard landscape ordinance that remains unnecessarily hostile to veggies.

As amended in November, the proposed ordinance would restrict the growing of vegetables and nontree fruits to no more than 30 percent of a front yard, with no plants higher than 4 feet.

Water-sucking lawns? Fine.

Rose bushes that demand pesticides? Go ahead. Nuke your yard.

But a beautiful flowering trellis of legumes? No way, say the yard cops. Apparently, they don't want our city to showcase Native American plants, such as corn and tomatoes. They don't give a hill of beans about the burgeoning movement known as edible landscapes.