One hopes this is only a one time occurrence, but without a more creative way to raise funding for the American River Parkway, events like this that are connected to it, will continue to suffer.
An excerpt from the Sacramento Bee article.
“The popular American River Salmon Festival has been canceled, and a number of causes are to blame.
“The event, held the past 12 years at the Nimbus Fish Hatchery and Lake Natoma, will be on hiatus this year.
"Last year, it cost about $120,000," said Dana Michaels, a public information officer with the state Department of Fish and Game.
“Much of that money was raised by sponsoring organizations, and that kind of giving is down this year, she said.
“Fish and Game employees also staffed booths and oversaw the work of hundreds of volunteers. With budget cuts and furloughs, Michaels said, the department doesn't have the staff to handle the event along with its regular duties.
“The other concern, she said, is "the guest of honor's population is not high enough to show up."
“The two-day festival, held in late September or early October, in recent years drew about 20,000 people eager to see salmon jumping the fish ladder at the hatchery, making their way upstream to spawn. Last year, however, the ladder was closed because of concern over the small salmon run.”