Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Global Warming Justifies Overuse

In a case that will set precedence SMUD wants to protect its water usage and create it as a right, which others protest, surely bringing it, in the grand tradition of California water rights cases, to the courts to settle.

High Sierra diversions put SMUD in hot water
By Matt Weiser - Bee Staff Writer
Published 12:00 am PST Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Sacramento Municipal Utility District has been taking more water from the Rubicon River in the high Sierra than its state permits allow, prompting complaints that the power supplier has harmed fish and neighboring water users.

Excess diversions have occurred for decades, according to the California Department of Fish and Game, which filed the first complaint with the state Water Resources Control Board.

The Placer County Water Agency and fishing and environmental groups later joined in. They fear the case could set a troubling precedent unless SMUD's practices are ultimately restricted by the state.

The utility admits excesses occurred. It wants to amend its water rights to legalize the diversions because with global warming it expects to handle greater water flow from snowmelt.