Saturday, September 23, 2006

Levees can’t Protect the Integrity of the Parkway

This loss will be magnified in the future without the construction of the Auburn Dam, which is the only flood protection option preserving the integrity of the Parkway from future degradation and loss of more ancient oak trees along its shore.

An excerpt.

Editorial: A lamentable loss
Sadly, trees must make way for a levee
- Published 12:00 am PDT Saturday, September 23, 2006

Any loss of an ancient oak tree in this fast-growing region is hard to accept.

The potential loss of three is a tragedy. It's enough to make a willow weep.

But, sad as it seems, a trio of heritage oaks will need to come down along the south side of the American River near the Butterfield-Riviera East neighborhood. Why? The levee there -- known as the Mayhew levee -- is one of the lowest along the river. It could easily be overtopped during a major storm, flooding not only the nearby neighborhood, but also part of Sacramento.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has recommended a wider and higher levee. Building it will require the removal of the three oaks and other mature trees.