This is an excellent overview of a parks system in crisis and part of that crisis is one of leadership and organizational system changes needed but still unrealized.
Many of the reasons parks lose funding have to do with the great change in public recreation demands, and successful parks have developed private/public relationships that allow them to be more resilient and innovative in their managerial response to that downward spiral of public funding, which will continue.
Legacy of parks crumbles
The state, amidst a budget crisis, isn't funding them. But many say the governor's policies don't do enough to maintain upkeep of the system.
By STEVE GEISSINGER/MediaNews Sacramento Bureau
Article Created: 04/09/2007 09:34:23 AM PDT
SACRAMENTO - Nature is ravaging Angel Island treasures, destroying a road to Mt. Diablo's endless view, and smashing Pacific trails - as humans plan to cut primeval redwoods, plow a freeway through virgin coastline and pound power poles across a pristine desert.
California's state parks and historic sites - the largest state park system in the nation and internationally renowned gems - have been preserved as they were eons ago, until recently.
Much of the priceless inheritance is now falling apart from neglect and threatened by growth across California, say some lawmakers and park activists, who held a recent Capitol advocacy day.