Sunday, April 15, 2007

Greener Governor

Bringing sound thinking to environmental issues by focusing on technological solutions, the reality that people would rather drive their car places than ride light rail or a bus, that water is necessary for increased growth and water storage is the only intelligent response, are all commons sense approaches that lie at the heart of his current poll ratings.

Whether he has reached these decisions recently or always had them is beside the point.

Greener governor seen as rootless
His inconsistencies on environment befuddle activists.
By Kevin Yamamura - Bee Capitol Bureau
Published 12:00 am PDT Sunday, April 15, 2007

In the latest issue of Outside magazine, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger wears an untucked green shirt and jeans, posing as a champion of the environment. He sits on a rock surrounded by a squirrel, rabbit and other creatures of the forest.

All while wearing his trademark boots made of dead animal skins.

Schwarzenegger has suddenly become an international global warming hero, albeit one with a penchant for Hummers and alligator boots.

California environmentalists still aren't entirely sure what to make of him.

They praise Schwarzenegger for getting the public to focus on greenhouse gas emissions and using his political celebrity to shift national debate in a green direction. They say the governor has scored major accomplishments by signing a bill to reduce emissions 25 percent by 2020 and pursuing new alternative fuel requirements.

But they have misgivings about the governor's past opposition to top environmental priorities. They say the governor has focused on long-term plans that may not require real sacrifices for years. Yet he has opposed more immediate environmental solutions as too costly to businesses.