Wednesday, October 03, 2007

ARPPS Letter Published

Letters: Safety of levees, future of arena, war on terror, etc.
Published 12:00 am PDT Wednesday, October 3, 2007

One of most flood-prone cities

Re "Waters may rise, but so will region's readiness," editorial, Sept. 29: It is certainly prudent to be prepared for the inevitable flood that will happen in the Sacramento region if we continue to fail developing a flood protection strategy that involves reaching the gold standard of flood protection -- a 500-year level -- as our long-range goal.

But one would think that celebrating the reaching of a 200-year flood level, considering New Orleans had a 250-year level right before it flooded, is somewhat shortsighted.

However, if the eventual goal was reaching the 500-year level, as virtually all other major river cities in the nation have, including Tacoma, St. Louis, Dallas and Kansas City, then it could rightly be announced (and celebrated) as a vital step on the path to optimal protection.

- David H. Lukenbill, Sacramento
Senior Policy Director,
American River Parkway Preservation Society

Link to Editorial Commented On: