Particularly if advertising it is restricted to news stories, information brochures, other media material, and perhaps a Raiders Grove somewhere, a good deal all around.
State parks find a friend wearing silver and black
Oakland Raiders link with foundation that's lining up revenue from private sector.
By M.S. Enkoji - Bee Staff Writer
Published 12:00 am PDT Wednesday, July 25, 2007
What do the Oakland Raiders and towering redwoods or spectacular waterfalls have in common?
The professional football team is one of the first private businesses to sign on as a partner with a foundation to promote California's state parks. The grandeur of state parks will be noted in different ways during games, and in exchange, the team's familiar logo will grace handout materials given to state park visitors.
It's the start of a beautiful friendship for the California State Parks Foundation, which is trying to create innovative revenue sources for the park system's shrinking budget.
But for some, any collaboration with private business is questionable and could launch the kind of commercial flurry that seems to fill every inch and every moment with advertising -- from the names of stadiums to an officially designated soft drink.