Friday, August 17, 2007

Money for Bridge & Dam Announcement

Folsom Bridge, Dam Get $683 Million from Feds
Written by C. Johnson, Internet News Producer

The federal government is matching state and local funds to build a bridge over Folsom dam as well as dam and levee improvement projects.

Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-California, was on hand Wednesday morning to announce $683 million in federal funds to help bring the Sacramento region up to 200-year flood protection.

"Sacramento is the largest metropolitan area in the country with less than 100-year flood protection," said Boxer.

The projects also include raising Folsom Dam by three feet and adding a spillway to release water during big storms. Funds will also go toward repairing eroded levees and banks along the Sacramento and American rivers.

The Folsom bridge is slated to be completed in spring, 2009.