Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Auburn Dam Council

The website of the organization that has consistently and for many years kept the Auburn Dam in focus as the optimal solution for the flooding problem facing Sacramento.

An excerpt from their home page.

Floods and Droughts: navigating the balance
Auburn Dam is the only long term solution

Hurricane Katrina has clearly identified the level devastation and misery that can be brought about by rising water. Without a doubt our citizens are concerned about their safety and economic welfare. This has created renewed interest in the Auburn Dam because, as we have maintained for fifty years, it is the only long term solution to both flood and drought conditions. Please join us in our fight to secure California's future.

We invite you to research the reasons why the Auburn Dam makes sense. Be sure to read Former Assemblyman Anthony Pescetti's letter and former USBR official Mike Catino's arguments in favor of building the dam. Scope of the project is discussed on our AD Project Features page. Common questions are answered on our FAQ page and the AD Council Comments page.

Then check out the links that discuss the Sacramento flood risk and the droughts in California. We have compiled some interesting information in our Resources section. Stuart Leavenworth's series entitled "Rising Risk" is an eye opener as to what can happen to Sacramento if our levees fail.

Short History of Auburn Dam: Controversial Auburn Dam has 50-year pedigree