Thursday, August 17, 2006

Climate Change Advances More Water Arguments

As well as conserving existing water, we also need to capture and store more of the run-off to increase water supply.

An excerpt.

By using less water, valley residents can cut greenhouse gases
By Larry Wilson

Allan Zaremberg argues that passage of Assembly Bill 32 to limit carbon dioxide emissions -- a significant contributor to global climate change -- would hurt California's economic growth (``Bill limiting greenhouse gases could hurt California and climate,'' Aug. 9).

How much growth does Zaremberg, CEO of the California Chamber of Commerce, foresee if today's scarce water resources are dwindled to a shallow pool?

Climatologists and other scientists are confident that continuing changes in the climate pose significant threats to the water resources of the West Coast. They tell us we'll see less snowfall and earlier melts, jeopardizing a key source of water for Santa Clara County and the rest of the Bay Area. Runoff disappearing earlier in the years will probably spawn more droughts.

Worse, many specifics of these scenarios will depend on what we still do not fully understand.